Jr. Fighters

Middleport Jr Fireman

Ladies Auxilary

Interested in joining the Ladies Auxiliary?
For more information contact President Barb Newton at: 716-957-4107

The Middleport Fire Company has developed a program for the youths in our community to experience the benefits of community service. Our Junior Membership Program has been designed to encourage the process of helping others in time of need. The rewards of being a volunteer firefighter are many but they are intangible – everyone must seek it in her or his own way.

While we are teaching the junior members the vocational and technical aspects of firefighting, we also want to impact them with the concept of serving others. By helping those in time of need and putting someone else first, we can help today’s teens to focus their talents and energies in a constructive way, while being actively involved in the community and building a pool of references for the future. We believe that community involvement helps to mold individuals into productive citizens.

Our intent is to encourage the junior members to challenge themselves by asking their own questions and seeking their own answers. The type of approach that we take towards them is one that values their personal points of view and attempts to encourage them in the directions they have chosen for themselves.

The junior members are mentored by an advisor(s) who supervises their activities and reports directly to the Fire Chief. Junior Program Advisors are appointed by the Fire Chief.

The junior program has set rules and regulations regarding equipment, training, school grades, hours of attendance, and when and what circumstances they are allowed to respond to an emergency. Junior Firefighters are not allowed to take part in active firefighting.

Our program is designed for any teen age 14-17. To join the program, the teen must fill out an application and the advisor must meet with the parent or guardian. Once in the program, the teen may opt to become a regular active firefighter on their 18th birthday upon recommendation of the advisor and a vote of the general membership of the Fire Company. Many Juniors have gone on to hold offices in the Fire Company and have taken active roles in the Fire Service. They are well respected and fit right in.

Interested in becoming a member of our organization?

You can join our Fire Company to become a Firefighter, EMT or Fire Police personnel – or all three if you wish.

You can also join to be a social member. Social Membership is for those who wish to assist the Fire Company in a non-firefighting manner. Social Members work our parties, sell tickets, cook food, tend bar and a variety of other tasks. Social Members are not required to attend training. Social members may attend meetings but may not vote.

Our application is available here. Fill it out completely and take it to a Notary Public to have the signature page notarized.


Please mail your completed form to:


Or you can stop by the fire station on any Thursday night after 6:30 pm and drop it off. The application process takes approximately 2 months.

Training is free but does require a commitment of time from you. Once you join, we will send you to school locally. (Usually in the evenings or on the weekends). Gear and protective equipment is provided to you at no charge for as long as you are an active member.

Not sure if it is for you? Come by the Fire Station on any Thursday night after 6:30 pm and talk to any of the members and have a look around. Come and see what we do and observe a training session.